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Academic Initiative

Collaborative Research: AGEP Transformation Alliance: Bridging the PhD to Postdoc to Faculty Transitions for Women of Color in STEM

  • Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Program Overview

  • The proposed project will enhance the leadership development experience for women of color who provide the kind of academic and psychosocial support for underrepresented minority students that leads to better STEM learning outcomes by: 1) convening broadening participation workshops focused on leadership development for STEM women of color; and 2) providing access to opportunities to earn continuing education credits as credentials necessary for acquiring legitimacy in and contributing to STEM academic leadership. The specific objectives are: 1) to convene a two-day Broadening Participation Workshop: National Conclave for STEM Women of Color; and 2) to provide access to continuing education (CE) credits for Conclave participants. This project will contribute to redefining higher education leadership to meaningfully include an awareness of, affinity for, and sensitivity to the academic and psychosocial needs of underrepresented minority students, thereby broadening participation. Collectively, these efforts are expected to impact a network of thousands of STEM higher education reformers committed to diversifying STEM faculty, as well as a wider pool of faculty and academic administrators, from all disciplines, who are committed to recruiting and retaining STEM women faculty of color. https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1647229&HistoricalAwards=false


  • The project includes activities to transition postdoctoral fellows into faculty positions, or a postdoc-to-faculty bridge program, to provide junior faculty with mentoring and to assist junior faculty in developing strong scholarly identities. The integrated research will include cross-sectional surveys, three-year longitudinal surveys and small-group interviews to gain a better understanding of the processes facilitating the choices women and URMs make in their STEM careers. Variables to study include gender and race differences, social relationship influences, the academic-professional culture and the institutional context. Vanderbilt and Fisk Universities will institutionalize the key model interventions, stage the model components for implementation at Wake Forest University, and disseminate the model to the network of 40 institutions represented in the Collaborative to Advance Equity through Research. The National Academy of Science's Ford Foundation Diversity Fellows program will work with the alliance to identify and recruit promising postdoctoral associates for project participation. The Anna Julia Cooper Center at Wake Forest will conduct scale up and dissemination activities for the alliance.

Program Contact

  • Lanita Parker-Moore
  • parkerld@wfu.edu


  • Southeast

Type Of Program


  • Faculty


  • STEM


Research, Roles & Responsibilities

Identity & Inclusion

Diversity Groups (Social Identity)

  • Gender



Evaluation Methods

  • External Review/Evaluation

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